Monday, February 28, 2011

expo reflection ;)

                               In my opinion I think that our expo circle went pretty well because we all worked together and did our best to talk .Our group had a really good discussion especially when it came to connections we all had good connections to say and when they asked us a question we were confident and answered them the best we could.We all had our opinions and we all thought different thinking.We talked about how violence affects our community and how we can make it better and gang free.Many had many personal connections that it was shocking that they even shared it in the circle.One topic we talked about was how to help out teenagers stay away  from gangs and drugs.Everyone in the circle had good ideas and came up with good resolution to stop gang violence.Something new that I learned was that when someone joins a gang they start using marijuana and after they use pills and then that leads them into killing people.Many gang members end up dead or in wheel chairs.All they do is hurt their families and especially their parent's.We could help teenagers not be in gangs and drugs by getting involved in after school programs.So that's a little about what we talked about in our expo circle.

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