Friday, October 29, 2010

....SoLo pOrQuE SoY MeXIcAn,LaTiNa,Y MicHoAcAn!!!!

Just  because I'm Mexican,
Doesn't mean I'm going to drop out of high school!!!
It also doesn't mean I'm going to get F's on my report card.
And it doesn't mean am going to be fighting in the streets
Just because am Michoacana,Just
Doesn't mean I'm going to be drinking patron,buchana's and hennesy's!!!
It also doesn't mean I'm going to do pill's or weed.
And it also doesn't mean am going to kill my own people.
Just because I'm Latina
Doesn't mean I'm an illegal person in the USA
It also doesn't mean am poor and cant afford what other people can!!!
And just I'm Mexican,Latina.and Mexicana doesn't mean am not going to be successful in life 
What would life be without Mexican's
What is the diffrence between rich and poor ?
Why does anyone care!!!
          ~By MArIA Cruz

R.I.P tIO mArCoS

 '' Ay mija '' is what I would hear when I got in trouble and my uncle knew!!!
Corona is what I would see every time he drank.
Cologne is what I would smell as he walked out the house !!!
All I would hear is his voice as he sang.
His CD is what I would hear as it played.
A very valuable memory I have is when we went to LA to record his very first CD    
A suite is what he will always wear when he went to a presentation!!!
" I miss you ," is what I would tell him if eh came back.
All I want is for you to come back!!!
        ~R.I.P TiO MaRcOs
  bY:mARIA cRUZ:)