Now or Never!
Maria Cruz
May 30,2011
Period 3
In the book Kindred the main message that the author tried to prove was that the author tried to prove was that racism ‘s has been oppressive force in society.Well how has it affected our community well there’s many way’s and reason’s.One way that racism affects our society is many people are restricted from many things just because the color of their skin of their skin.I think that to be judged by the color and the way you look is not a reason to restrict people from doing something.How,where,and when do we experience racism and how we can stop it well read on and find out how. “ Try it and get it over with I thought you was supposed to be smart, ” this quote is an example of racism.In what way does this quote show racism is the white man is telling the black women that she should know how to do her job because she’s black.The man is being cruel to the women because he is jugging her by the way she looks without knowing her.This is one way we see racism in our society because many people get judged by the way they look and not for who they are.This affects many people in many ways one way is by not being able to get a job because many people judges them by the color of their skin or their background.Read on and find out more way’s we see racism in our society.
“You filthy black whore,” shouted Margaret this quote represents racism in many ways but in one way specifically.Margaret called Dana a whore just because she slept in Kevin’s room instead of the attic.But Margaret thinks that something happened between Dana and Kevin when they just slept in a bed together as friends and nothing else happened.Margaret thought wrong just because Dana is African American Margaret is being racist because she berley knows Dana and shes calling her something shes not.In my opinion I think that people shouldn’t be judged by the way they look or by an action. Many people judge a person by how they look that’s really wrong because not everyone acts the way they look.There’s some people who look mean but their nicer than you can imagine.But theirs the people who look nice and everything but they end up being rude and mean to you! As you can see this is a way we see racism in our society.
“If we have to leave ,we leave.There’s a limit to what you should put up with even to get your chance with the boy.” This quote explains how small a kid could be racist and why? Well even though they are small when they grow up in a society where they see racism they think its okay and do it.They keep on acting racist until they grow up and they act like that in front of their children.Their children think that’s the way to act and decide to act way and their parents don’t correct them or shows them the correct the way to act.This keeps on going and its gets passed on from generation to generation and keeps on going on.Everyone has the right to do what they think is right.
In conclusion I want to state that people shouldn’t be judged for how they look women,men,and children shouldn’t be judged by their appearance.We all need to children about racism and how its wrong because that way they could teach others in the future.Evey one has the same rights no more or less but equal rights.If we all work together we could make a difference.
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